Carroll Elected Alabama Securities Commission Chairman

The Alabama Securities Commission (ASC) has announced that Alabama Securities Commissioner and Managing Partner at Wilkins Miller in Mobile Allen Carroll was elected ASC chairman by a unanimous vote of his fellow commissioners. Carroll is serving his second term on the commission after being recommended by the Alabama Society of CPAs and being confirmed by the Alabama Senate on April 11. His practice with Wilkins Miller includes a focus on forensic accounting and consulting services. He has served as a witness and consulting expert in a variety of commercial disputes in both civil and criminal litigation and testified and consulted on issues including determination of economic damages, lost profits, accounting malpractice, white-collar criminal matters, forensic investigations and business valuations. He graduated from the University of South Alabama with a BS in business administration with a concentration in accounting. Carroll is a CPA and member of the Association of International CPAs and Alabama Society of CPAs. He is also accredited in business valuation, is certified in financial forensics by the American Institute of CPAs and is a Certified Valuation Analyst.
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