MBG Veggie Kids Workshops Announced

The Mobile Botanical Gardens (MBG) is holding Veggie Kids, a series of Saturday morning workshops for children aged 8-12. Participants will explore which foods come from plants, what plants need to grow and the work of farmers. Young gardeners will plant and maintain their own raised-bed gardens at MBG’s Magnolia Hill. Instructor Dr. Judy P. Stout will lead participants on September 14 and 21, October 5 and 12, and November 9 and 23. All sessions will be at 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. and cover what plants need, preparation of beds, germination requirements, planting, a take-home germination experiment, organic rabbit deterrents, thinning, weeding, fertilizing, mulching, insect control, harvesting and more. Additional harvest days will be announced to participants as food matures. The fee is $60 per child member and $75 per child for nonmember. For additional information, email Sara Habel.
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