SickleFin Begins Fish Tagging Trips

SickleFin Charters recently partnered with global nonprofit Gray Fishtag Research to tag and release all species of fish. “We are an official research center, the only U.S.-based one on the Gulf of Mexico and one of only 11 in the world,” Rachel Altman of SickleFin explained. The company offers catch/tag/release trips in 4-hr, 6-hr or custom packages within 30 mi. of shore. Participants can tag, name and take photos with their catches. They will be updated on the status of the fish upon their recapture via a Gray Fishtag Research interactive map. “By being a part of the tagging program, you are supplying valuable data to scientists and biologists for no cost on migration patterns, fish stocks, growth rates, habitat depths and much more,” Altman added.
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