February 24, 2023
Citronelle High Robotics Competes At State

Citronelle High School’s robotics team recently competed at the 2023 VEX state robotics competition at Auburn University, Call News reported. The Wildcats finished 16th out of 48 competitors in the computerized robotics competition. Additionally, the school’s robotics coach, Jeremiah Quattrone, was awarded the VEX Robotics Mentor of the Year award. This is the first time Citronelle’s team, made up of Emma Hendry, Tristan Schwartz, D.J. Barrearas, Kirk Byrd and Grace Tidwell, reached the state level in its eight-year history. It is also the only team from Mobile County to compete in Auburn. Next, the team will travel to Dallas to compete nationally on April 26-29.
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