ASMS Announces Recruitment Drive, Open Houses

Mobile’s Alabama School of Math and Science (ASMS) will be hosting information sessions in Mobile and Baldwin counties “to recruit students seeking an advanced education and looking to challenge themselves inside and outside the classroom,” it recently announced. Ninth and 10th graders in the counties are invited to a 1-hour information session at the ASMS campus auditorium on October 4 and 18 at 6 p.m. Students and families planning to attend are asked to register. They are also invited to visit the campus for “ASMS Day,” an open house on November 13 and December 4. Registration for this event is also open. The college-level science, technology, engineering and mathematics education includes computer science and humanities and is provided at no cost. Current Alabama 9th and 10th graders are eligible to apply for the 2022-2023 school year here.
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