USA Presidential Finalists Expected for Fall

The University of South Alabama (USA) may introduce its fourth president next fall, based on recent discussions by the school’s board of trustees’ Executive Committee, reports. The Executive Committee ratified the Search Committee’s selection of higher-education search consultancy R. William Funk and Associates to produce a slate of finalists for the job. The firm conducted the search that ended with selecting now-outgoing president Tony Waldrop. A search budget of $200,000 was approved, with three to five finalists to be presented to the board of trustees and become public in the fall. USA’s presidential search guidelines include a section on “preferred credentials” that includes “an earned doctorate in an appropriate discipline,” the source said. However, there is a caveat that, “In lieu of an earned doctorate, [a candidate] must possess outstanding training and an exemplary record of success in the administration of a large educational organization.”
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