Foley Road Work Underway, Plans For More
The City of Foley recently announced that, with the widening of the Foley Beach Express nearing completion, the city is also working to improve intersections along the highway. Foley plans to improve the intersections on the Foley Beach Express where the highway meets County Roads 20 and 12. The project includes traffic signal improvements and mast arms, additional ambient lighting near the intersection, and acceleration and deceleration lanes. It is to cost approximately $2.9 million, the bulk of which is being pursued by the city as part of the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program II state grant. The city council has approved funding to pay the remainder of the costs. Crews are now working to widen and add shoulders along the Foley Beach Express. When the work is completed in upcoming weeks, the city will transfer ownership of the highway to the Alabama Department of Transportation.
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