McPhail Sanchez Launches Tunnel Vision Live Feed

McPhail Sanchez, LLC, a Downtown Mobile law firm, is taking advantage of its flagship office’s vantage point from the historic Eslava Building on Government Street by launching Tunnel Vision: a 24/7 live video feed of the western entrance to the Bankhead Tunnel. The Bankhead Tunnel, which opened in 1941, has long been famous for its 12-ft height limit and even more infamous for drivers ignoring that limit. Despite decades of various warning features near the entrance, including large metal chains, a siren and a loud PA system that blares warnings to oversize vehicles, many drivers have tried to “beat the Bankhead,” only to crash into or become stuck in the tunnel’s entrance. The firm recently redesigned its website and decided to launch Tunnel Vision. The website also contains a detailed section about the Bankhead Tunnel’s storied history, along with a “Greatest Hits” section: an eye-popping photo gallery of vehicle “casualties” from over the years. The firm also expects to add a video compilation of crashes to the website.
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