Local Clothing Brand Signs Deal With University Of Alabama

Secret Scientist Clothing, a Mobile streetwear clothing store, is teaming up with the University of Alabama after having signed an official licensing deal, making the company the first streetwear brand to collaborate with the school, WPMI reported. The agreement allows for the brand to be sold in such stores as Academy Sports + Outdoors, Hibbett Sports and Alabama/Auburn stores. Those behind the deal are Tony Davis, who created Secret Scientist in 2009; Kelvin Jones, chief operations officer and sports marketing executive for the brand; and Wallace Gilberry, a former Alabama football player. Gilberry is also CEO of Gilberry and Davis Consulting Firm. All three men are local: Davis is a Mobile native, Jones is from Prichard, and Gilberry hails from Baldwin County. The University of Alabama Secret Scientist gear is expected to be available by early summer.
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