Deuce Drone Hires Chief Operating Officer

Deuce Drone LLC recently announced via the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce that Ret. Brig. General, U.S. Air Force Ed Fienga has joined the company as its chief operating officer. Fienga has spent the past five years following his retirement from the Air Force as a partner growing a small company focused on managing business processes, logistics and supply-chain systems within the national defense and government sectors. Prior to that, he spent his last decade in the Air Force leading air, space and cyberspace organizations at the installation, major command and headquarters levels. Fienga joins Deuce Drone to provide daily leadership for the anticipated launch of its last-mile package delivery services this year. His specific duties will include building a delivery service team to operate under the updated Federal Aviation Administration Part 107 rules, developing and launching Part 107-compliant delivery routes, expanding customers and generating revenue. In addition, Fienga will also take a direct role in completing the company’s submission to allow full, automated, beyond line-of-sight drone delivery operations as an air carrier.
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