August 11, 2023
Grocery Store Development Planned For East Foley

A major grocery store will anchor a new retail development that will provide shopping opportunities in East Foley and additional sales tax revenue and new jobs in the area. The Foley City Council voted August 7 to approve an economic development agreement for the project and road improvements leading to the 10-acre site at the southwest corner of the Foley Beach Express and Miflin Road (County Road 20). Mayor Ralph Hellmich said city officials have been working with developers on the project for approximately two years and that the project will generate more sales tax revenue for Foley, as well as additional jobs. The council also approved the engineering work to design a road leading to the site beginning near the Foley Beach Express and Miflin Road. It also approved the construction of a left turn lane for northbound traffic on the Beach Express, as well as acceleration and deceleration lanes.
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