ADCNR Seeks Fisheries Input From Public

The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) is seeking input from those unable to attend three local meetings that were held to engage the public on a variety of subjects concerning Alabama’s saltwater fisheries management, including red snapper. One proposal brought up at the public meetings was possibly opening the recreational season for the entire month of June instead of just the current four-day weekends of Friday through Monday. The season would revert to four-day weekends in July and continue until the annual quota is estimated to be met. ADCNR said fishery-independent research suggests the red snapper population is stable, and, while maintaining the ability to monitor catch levels, the season structure could be modified to stay below the harvest limit. Another topic of significant discussion was about sheepshead, a species that has recently become a target for recreational anglers. Harvest data indicate the species is feeling pressure from this. It was noted that the number of recreational saltwater licenses sold has grown from approximately 75,000 in 2001 to more than 210,000 in 2023. The bag limit for sheepshead would be lowered from 10 to eight fish per person, with the same 12-inch minimum fork length, in a proposal that will go to ADCNR Commissioner Chris Blankenship for approval. Redfish (red drum) was also discussed, especially the regulation that allows anglers to keep one redfish larger than 26 inches in the daily bag limit of three fish. Comments and concerns may be emailed to ADCNR.
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