Foley Moves Ahead With Plans For Nine Pickleball Courts

Plans are moving ahead to open nine city pickleball courts in Foley later this year. The courts will be built on city property north of the Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market and east of Koniar Way. The city council voted on April 15 to approve funding for road construction providing access to the site. The council also approved going out to bid to build the courts. Money from impact fees, which are costs charged to new development to pay for increased demand for services created by the construction, will pay the cost of building the courts. The project should be ready to go out to bid by this summer and be completed later in the year. The road project will be paid with money from the city’s general fund, as money from impact fees cannot be used for road construction. Some of the road construction work has been done by the city, but the final part of the project will be put out to bid. That work includes the parking lot for the courts, paving and water detention work.
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