New Bon Secour Boat Launch Detailed

Details have been given for the new boat launch in western Baldwin County. Announced last month as part of more than $67 million in project funding from Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) ($67 Million In GOMESA Funding Announced), the launch would be the 11th county-owned boat ramp and the first on the Bon Secour river. The 16-acre parcel on the river where the launch is planned was purchased by the county in 2021 for $2 million, and $4.8 million in GOMESA funds will fund the work, FOX10 reported. The county hopes to have U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permitting done and the project out for bid by early next year. The facility will consist of two boat ramps with mooring piers, a kayak launch, parking for 69 trucks with trailers, 26 passenger vehicle spaces, restrooms, fishing piers and walking trails. Officials hope to see it open in early 2025.
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