Submit your Mobile or Baldwin County business related news, press release or full length article here. If you need assistance writing your news or wish to be interviewed simply complete the form and we will contact you. Bay Business News (BBN) is an independent publisher, we reserve the right to refuse content or advertisements that are deemed not in keeping with BBN’s professional standards. News must be submitted by Wednesday at 5 p.m. to be considered for that week’s email newsletter and website. For print deadlines see our media kit in the advertise section.
We accept business content related to the following categories below:
- Accounting
- Advertising, Media & Publishing
- Agriculture, Conservation & Wildlife
- Arts, Culture & Entertainment
- Automotive & Marine Sales & Service
- Banking & Finance
- Business & Professional Services
- Chambers of Commerce
- Construction, Contracting & Engineering
- Dentists & Orthodontists
- Education & Universities
- Government, Nonprofits & Civic Groups
- Healthcare & Wellness
- Dermatology & Cosmetology
- Insurance
- IT & Web Services
- Legal
- Logistics, Distribution & Maritime
- Manufacturing (Chemical, Gas, Oil, etc.)
- Paper, Printing & Signage
- Real Estate Sales & Development
- Retail, Grocery, Hotel & Restaurant
- Sports, Recreation & Fitness
- Telecommunications & Utilities
- Veterinary
- Acceptable article length: 750-1,500 words
- Include:
- one photo/graphic that helps illustrate the article.
- the author’s name, short bio and headshot (if available).
- Article’s purpose: to educate/inform, not to promote/market