Mobile Chamber Releases Economic Outlook Survey

The Mobile Chamber unveiled the findings of its 2025 Mobile Area Economic Outlook Survey at its recent 10th Annual State of the Economy event. The chamber said the results highlight the resilience and potential of Mobile’s business community, offering valuable insights into local economic trends. Its results revealed that 73% of respondents rated the Mobile business climate as “Very Good” or “Good,” compared to only 28% for the national business climate. In terms of growth, the top barriers cited at the national level included economic instability and uncertainty (28%), the federal regulatory environment (24%) and labor market challenges (30%). Locally, the most significant challenge is seen as acquiring a skilled workforce, identified by nearly half of respondents (46%). The top three priorities for Mobile’s economic landscape are seen as: 1) enhancing education and workforce development (24%); 2) improving public infrastructure (20%); and 3) attracting new industries and investments (20%). The top three priorities for infrastructure upgrades are seen as: 1) the Mobile River Bridge and I-10 Expansion Project (77%); 2) deepening and widening of the Mobile Bay ship channel (55%); and 3) road and highway improvements (46%). Looking ahead, 71% of businesses expect increased profits in 2025.
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