Buffett Backing Band To Headline Concert At The Wharf

Jimmy Buffett’s longtime backing band has announced it will play three tribute shows this summer, including one in Orange Beach, AL.com reports. The Coral Reefer Band will start the shows on August 1 at The Wharf Amphitheater, followed by performances on August 2 at the Cadence Bank Amphitheater in Atlanta and August 4 at Riverbend Music Center in Cincinnati. Tickets will be on sale today and range $20 to $149.50. The lineup will include Mac McAnally, Robert Greenidge, Peter Mayer, Jim Mayer, Roger Guth, Doyle Grisham, John Lovell, Eric Darken, Mick Utley, Nadirah Shakoor, Tina Gullickson, Scotty Emerick and Will Kimbrough. Most are veterans of a decade or more of touring with Buffett. McAnally and Mobile native Kimbrough also worked extensively with him as songwriting partners. A portion of proceeds from the show will benefit Singing for Change, a charitable nonprofit founded by Buffett.
AtlantaCadence Bank AmphitheaterCincinnatiDoyle GrishamEric DarkenJim MayerJimmy BuffettMac McAnallyMick UtleyNidirah ShakoorOrange BeachPeter MayerRiverbend Music CenterRobert GreenidgeRoger GuthScotty EmerickSinging for ChangeThe Coral Reefer BandThe WharfThe Wharf AmphitheaterTina GullicksonWill Kimbrough
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