City Of Foley Cites Strong Support For Entertainment District

The City of Foley City Council said a survey of downtown merchants showed “overwhelming support” for an entertainment district proposed for the city last year. The council approved a first reading of an ordinance to establish an entertainment district in Foley’s downtown area west of Highway 59. The ordinance is scheduled for a final vote in August. Darrelyn Dunmore, executive director of Foley Main Street, Inc., said there were 150 “yes,” two “no” and one “neutral” responses on a petition in Downtown Foley. “These were all the business owners, people that were going in and supporting it,” Dunmore told the council. She said that entertainment districts have helped downtown revitalization in many Alabama cities and in surrounding states without contributing to a decrease in public safety. Mayor Ralph Hellmich said the district should help Foley continue to revitalize the city’s downtown area as new restaurants and other businesses continue to open in Foley.
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