Mobile Set To Get Craft Distillery

Deerfish Distilling Co., Mobile’s first legal craft distillery, is set to open soon, with production expected to begin in December at the former Lush Home Decor location at 757 Government Street. “Once licensing and permitting is complete, Deerfish will produce vodka, gin, whiskey, bourbon and brandy, among other spirits, plus ready-to-drink canned cocktails using locally sourced agricultural products. They will house a production facility, rack house, tasting room and retail shop in their downtown location and offer educational tours to the public, along with private event space,” Lagniappe reports. Mobile native Austin Halford and his wife, Ashley, have partnered with Austin’s brother and sister-in-law, Stanley and Emilie Hallford, to build Deerfish. Previously, Austin was the master distiller and Ashley was the general manager of operations at The Distillarium, a 14,000-ft2 craft distillery, rackhouse and tasting room in Washington. The distillery’s equipment includes a 150-gal. still, a cypress bar and a canning line capable of producing 12 canned cocktails a minute. Deerfish is hoping to get its first batch of whiskey into barrels in 2025, with it being ready to drink in 2029. It hopes to distribute its products all over the South and eventually build a satellite tasting room with a restaurant and cocktail bar attached.
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