Goodwill Expands Kaleidoscope Program

Goodwill Gulf Coast has expanded its Kaleidoscope Adult Day program. Over the past six months, the program has undergone a major expansion, doubling its space to serve more adults with intellectual disabilities. Currently serving more than 50 participants, the program has a curriculum, planned activities and community excursions to provide experiences every weekday. Families enrolled in Kaleidoscope report that their loved ones experience more stable daily routines, improved sleep, better stress management and more friendships. After experiencing an increasing need in the community, Goodwill Gulf Coast determined the expansion to be an organizational priority and made plans to convert an adjacent warehouse into a new recreation area, effectively doubling the available program space inside the Ladd Building on the nonprofit’s Gordon Smith campus in Mobile. Also, plans were made to expand the program’s kitchen to accommodate a new cooktop, venting hood and oven. The kitchen will serve as a training area to teach participants about kitchen safety and food preparation. While the program already had a communal activity room, a media room, a quiet room and an arts and crafts room, the expansion will add a second large activity room, as well as new exercise and game rooms.
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