Gulf Shores High Names Head Coach

Mark Hudspeth, former head coach of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, and associate head coach at Mississippi State, was recently named head football coach at Gulf Shores High School, reported. Hudspeth’s 26 years of coaching experience include 15 years as a collegiate head coach. His overall record is 154-64, including four National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) bowl wins, four NCAA conference titles, five trips to the NCAA Division II semifinals or quarterfinals and an appearance in the NCAA quarterfinals. Hudspeth has been voted conference coach of the year three times and earned the American Football Coaches Association Regional Coach of the Year honors in 2003, 2005 and 2019. “We conducted a national search for a head football coach,” Gulf Shores City Schools Superintendent Dr. Matt Akin said. “Out of over 100 applicants… [Hudspeth’s] coaching experience and success were unmatched by any of the other applicants.”
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