Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act

Exploreum Included In GOMESA Grant

August 30, 2024
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Gov. Kay Ivey and Commissioner Blankenship recently announced that the Exploreum Science Center in Mobile would be included in the 2024 round of Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA)-funded projects, The Business View reported. Of the $30,399,911 in statewide funding, the Exploreum is set to receive $829,012. These funds will make it possible for…

Baldwin County Businesses Struggle to Hire

Grants To Fund Local Conservation Projects

August 16, 2024
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Gov. Kay Ivey recently announced more than $30 million in funding through the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act for 25 major projects across the state, with a focus on environmental conservation and education. The ongoing work in Cooper Riverside Park in Mobile will be getting an additional $3 million. “This will allow us to…

Love Your Community Teams Receive $7,500 In Grants

July 26, 2024
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Six Love Your Community teams were recently presented with grants totaling $7,500 by the Mobile County Commission. The grants were presented to the following groups: $500 to the Hope and Charity Coalition Group to host a community cleanup in Fernland near Grand Bay; $1,000 to the LeRoy Raine Team for a brick memorial and landscaping…

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