Gulf Shores
Topping Out Ceremony Held For Biggest Hotel In Gulf Shores
The final steel beam was signed and put in place during a recent topping off celebration for the new Embassy Suites being built in Gulf...
Lineup For Sand In My Boots, Hangout Fest Replacement, Announced
Hangout Fest organizers have announced that Sand in My Boots is coming to Gulf Shores on May 16-18, 2025, thanks to a new partnership with...
Wheelchairs For Warriors Benefit Coming Up
Nonprofit Wheelchairs for Warriors is hosting the inaugural Cotton Creek Men’s Golf Association Tee Up for the Troops Charity Golf Scramble at Craft Farms Golf...
October 4 Real Estate Update
According to, the former Spot of Tea restaurant at 310 Dauphin Street in Downtown Mobile, was purchased by a local investor for $1.29 million,...
Shrimp Festival, Freedom Fest Coming Up
The Coastal Alabama Business Chamber has announced the 51st Annual National Shrimp Festival for October 10-13 at the intersection of Highway 59 and East Beach...
ASHA Coming To Gulf Shores
More than 100 early childcare educators, exhibitors and presenters will gather on October 1 and 2 at The Lodge at Gulf State Park in Gulf...
Zoo Fundraiser Coming Up
The Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo is hosting Zoo Brew: Sips for Simbas on September 27 at 6-9 p.m. Guests 21 and older are invited to...
The Highland Group Selected For Billy’s Gourmet Hot Dogs Expansion
The Highland Group recently announced its selection as the general contractor for Billy’s Gourmet Hot Dogs, a Denver-based restaurant, as it expands into the Southeast....
ACF Calls For Papers For Sustainability Summit
The Alabama Coastal Foundation (ACF) is calling for papers for presentation at its 11th Annual Sustainability Summit, taking place on January 31, 2025, at 9...
Lulu’s Restaurant Group Announces Leader
Lucy Buffett, founder and owner of LuLu's restaurants in Gulf Shores; Destin, Florida; and North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, has announced Johnny Fisher as the...
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